The service uptime for every hosting account is of significant importance. If you are using a web server that has regular issues and your website is not accessible for long periods of time, it is more likely that visitors shall not come back. In case you have an online store, for instance, this will mean lost prospective customers smaller profit. Your internet sites could even get penalized by search engines like yahoo with lower rankings irrespective of how good their content is. In order to avoid such a scenario, always make sure that the hosting service you get is stable. By doing this, the success of your internet site will depend entirely on its content and your advertising campaigns and will not be affected by hosting-related factors that you've got no control of.

Service Uptime Guarantee in Hosting

Using a hosting account from our company, you can enjoy 99.9% server uptime. We have essentially wiped out the downtime as we use an advanced cloud hosting platform and we do not run everything on one server like the majority of service providers do. Alternatively, we run each and every service on a separate group of web servers, so your files, e-mails, databases, etcetera, are going to be managed by different servers. Thus, we're able to also balance the load a lot more efficiently and ensure the stable functioning of your Internet sites at all times. The availability of the servers is ensured by a couple of backbone Internet providers and diesel backup generators, so your websites will be functioning no matter what. We also have administrators overseeing the web servers round the clock, which includes weekends and holidays, and they will take care of any surprising issue that could appear.

Service Uptime Guarantee in Semi-dedicated Hosting

If you acquire a semi-dedicated server solution from us, you will enjoy a guaranteed 99.9% uptime. Your account is going to be set up on a modern cloud website hosting platform with a load-balancing system that basically eradicates any kind of downtime. The files, emails, statistics and databases are all handled by their own groups of servers, so even if there is a trouble with one server, your websites will not be affected in the slightest. This allows us to provide a way more stable web hosting service in comparison with companies that run everything on a single web server where a problem with a single service can take the entire web server down. To avoid infrastructure problems, our data centers work with various Internet providers and powerful diesel generators, so whatever happens, the servers will keep running with no disruptions and your sites will remain functioning. Any software difficulties are going to be dealt with instantly by our skilled team of administrators which keep an eye on all servers 24/7.

Service Uptime Guarantee in Dedicated Hosting

While we can't control what you do with your dedicated server, what offline software or script-driven applications you install on it or how often you restart it, we can guarantee that it's going to be accessible no less than 99.9% of the time. Your hosting server is going to be positioned in our state-of-the-art facility at the heart of Chicago and its uptime and accessibility is going to be ensured by powerful diesel backup generators and a number of Internet providers, so no blackouts or other infrastructural troubles will affect the proper operation of your internet sites at any time. Our expert crew of system administrators will ensure that if your server freezes for some reason, it will be restarted promptly. In order to avoid any probability of equipment failures, we are going to give you a web server with new and extensively tested hardware components to ensure that your websites will be up and running no matter what.